You are about to enter the digital altar. Before you can do so, we need to gain access to your webcam. This will be used to enhance your altar experience - you will neither be recorded nor any video data uploaded.

The Digital Altar is best viewed on a larger screen, such as a laptop or desktop computer.

Digital Altar

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This is an example picture! Pictures uploaded will disappear once you refresh the page. No one else, including the altar creators, will see your pictures. This is an example picture! Pictures uploaded will disappear once you refresh the page; no one else, including the creators of the altar, will see your pictures.
Ones and zeros dance
Between present or empty
Source of everything.
Dust covered circuit
Forgotten hardware in drawers
Obsolete, yet kept.
Charging awakens magic
Forgotten no more.
Data too heavy
Pouring files and stories
Digital deluge.
How can we weave trust
No web without a spider
No trust without web
Strings of characters
Bottled and sipped become spells
W W W dot love